I remembered I suddenly had the urge to meditate starting from then but to be honest I am not very much a Buddhist. I attended some temple meditation sessions at Thai temples in Kuala Lumpur but didn't find their method suitable (But I know nothing about meditation and don't know what I am looking for.). I went on to enquire from Bhrama Kumaris, Transcedental Meditation and some other but they didn't sound like what I wanted. Until months later when I was doing cold calling for my sales that I bumped into this big white building in Subang Jaya which I though it was an office (it didn't have any signage at the entrance but the door was wide opened.) I was very surprised I didn't find anyone around. So I probed around and found a big Buddha statue in a hall instead! I thought to myself, "It's a temple! It must have a monk in it!?" I actually searched around and found a monk sitting in one of the rooms. The only person in that building. I didn't thought of lingering for long, just thought of paying my obesiance and take leave because he obviously didn't look local to me. Furthermore he was reading a book when I found him.

Months then on I just did the same, after meditation then Ven. taught me to offer meals in the morning for him. The Ven. insisted that I partake the food before leaving for work. At times, I will fetch Ven. to meet with his associate monks in Bandar Kinrara.
Until one day when I attained visions in my meditations, I went to ask Ven. about them. Ven. advised me not to get attached with them, just note "seeing...seeing..." will do. I agreed then I asked Ven. why do I get such visions. I still remember clearly that Ven. said to me, " Derrick, do you believe if I were to tell you that we have done this before many lives ago. We are basically continuing from where we left off. And that is why you will experience results faster than some people. I laughed and I tell Ven. I don't believe such things eg. past lives, I only know that I am living in the moment. Ven. agreed that living in the moment is more important and Ven. advised me to continue my practise.
My practise with Ven. Sayadaw Rewata went for for a few months and I eventually stopped going due to work demands but still practsing on my own.

Meditating everyday from 4.30am until 9.30pm without talking to one another, without mixing with others but just minding one's mindfullness. During my time it was held in Ipoh Panna Hill. It's very conducive for meditation practise.
I encourage those whom are keen to enquire from this group in your area.
Guruji's method is the right approach to meditation because meditation can be dangerous if performed wrongly. There are many people whom have wrong ideas and attachments to their meditation method. I am thankful that up to now even with Ven. LP Seua of Wat DonYaiPeuan, Singhburi is practising the same method...the breathing method.I have been with Ven. LP Seua for 4 years now.