About the References
- Introduction
- Diseases of the Mind
- Two Kinds of Medicine
- The Medicine of the Bojjhanghas
- Benefits on the Mundane Level
- Disappearance of Bodily Diseases
- How Sickness Disappears
- Sayadaw U Sobhitabhivamsa and the Medicine of the Bojjhanghas
- Confidence
- Nowadays Too, Diseases Disappear
- Dr. Khin Myint Yee's Gynaecological Illness
- The Stomach Ache and Nausea of the Swiss Nun
- Inge's Tumour
- The Satipatthana Hospital
- Diseases of the Mind Disappear Too
- Subrahma's Disease of the Mind
- Mahagandhayon Sayadaw's Advice
- A Personal Experience
- Used in the West As Well
- The Hunter's Unusual Experience
- The Bojjhangas
- Sati-sambojjhanga: The Enlightenment Factor of Mindfulness
- The Characteristic of Mindfulness
- The Function of Mindfulness
- The Manifestation of Mindfulness
- The Proximate Cause of Mindfulness
- The Characteristic of Investigation of States
- The Function of Investigation of States
- The Manifestation of Investigation of States
- The Proximate Cause of Investigation of States 48
- Ask Questions
- Keep Things Clean and Pure
- Balance the Mental Faculties
- Avoid Unwise Person
- Associate with Wise Persons
- Reflect on Profound Dhammas
- Incline the Mind to Arouse the Enlightenment Factor of Investigation of States
Viriya-sambojjhanga: The Enlightenment Factor of Effort
- The Characteristic of Effort
- The Function of Effort
- The Manifestation of Effort
- The Proximate Cause of Effort
- Reflect on the Dangers of the Lower Realms
- Reflect on the Benefits of Effort
- Reflect on the Right Path
- Respect and Appreciation for Food and Other Requisites You Have Received
- Reflect on the Nobility of the Inheritance
- Reflect on the Nobility of the Buddha
- Reflect on the Nobility of the Lineage
- Reflect on the Nobility of the Companions in the Holy Life
- Avoid the Company of Lazy Persons and Associate with Energetic Persons
- Incline the Mind to Strive Continuously
Piti-sambojjhanga: The Enlightenment Factor of Rapture
- The Characteristic of Rapture
- The Function of Rapture
Momentary Rapture
Showering or Flood of Rapture
Uplifting Rapture
Pervading Rapture
- The Manifestation of Rapture
- The Proximate Cause of Rapture
Recollection of the Attributes of the Buddha
The Buddha's Virtuous Conduct
The Virtues of the Buddha's Body
The Virtues of the Buddha's Mind
- Passaddhi-sambojjhanga: The Enlightenment Factor of Tranquility
The Function of Tranquillity
The Manifestation of Tranquillity
The Proximate Cause of Tranquillity
- Samaddhi-sambojjhanga: The Enlightenment Factor of Concentration
The Characteristic of Concentration
The Function of Concentration
The Manifestation of Concentration
The Proximate Cause of Concentration
- Upekkha-sambhojjhanga: The Enlightenment Factor of Equanimity
The Characteristic of Equanimity
The Function of Equanimity
The Manifestation of Equanimity
Vipassanupekkha and Bojjhangupekkha
The Proximate Cause of Equanimity
- How to Apply the Medicine of the Bojjhangas
- Homage to the Five Kinds of Objects of Infinite Gratitude
- Asking for Forgiveness
- Entrusting
- The Sitting Posture
- The Recollection of the Buddha's Attributes
- The Cultivation of Loving-Kindness
- The Recollection on the Loathsomeness of the Body
- The Recollection on Death
- The Enlightenment Factors: Cause and Effect
- Mindfulness: the Great Physician
- Only Develop the Enlightenment Factors that Are a Cause
- The Development of the Factors of Enlightenment According to the Pali Text
The Bojjhangas (Pali Version)
The Bojjhangas (English Version)
The Bojjhanga Sutta (Pali Version)
The Bojjhanga Sutta (English Version)
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